Market Research

We can provide a complete industry specific report that details the current snapshot as well as market tends. It will include relevant statistics as well as demographics. Get the information you need to determine if you should even get into this market, where you will fit and the best approach to take.

Competitive Analysis

No matter what industry you are in, you need to know who your competitors are. We will let you know who the major players are and how you stack up against them. You will know their strengths and weakness so you can determine the best strategy employ.

Capabilities Verification

The Eurasian market is vibrant and rapidly growing. This lends itself to practices that you may not expect. We will verify that distributors and other partners have the capabilities to do the things they say they can.

Facilities Inspection

A picture of a building or a warehouse can’t tell you what is on the inside. We will do a physical inspection to ensure your products are stored in conditions that meet your specifications.


In order to get your message clearly to your prospective customers, you will need to communicate in Turkish. Whether technical specification documents, marketing materials or web sites, we will translate all your documents. Our experienced professional translators, will make sure your documents send the message you intended.

Tradeshow Representation

In order to succeed in the Turkish market, tradeshow participation is almost a requirement. Shows are well attended by consumers and businesses. In addition, because of its location, Turkish shows attract numerous businesses from The Middle East, Asia and Europe. We can handle the logistics for trade show participation. All you have to do is show up.

Why Focus on Turkey?

With one foot in Asia and the other in Europe, Turkey is centrally located and attracts business from not just Europe and Asia, but also the Middle East.

Turkey is just a few hours flight from anywhere in Europe. Trade shows are well attended by Russian federation and eastern European countries. In addition there is significant representation from north Africa and the middle east. These are some of the most promising emerging countries and they are looking to do business. Read More